Back to [[:start|Start Page]]\\ ====== Developer Tools Plugin or: How to edit code within the OC IDE ====== When creating a website with OctoberCMS at least every now and then it will be necessary to edit some code. While for larger projects an external editor is obviously the better choice, for all those using the Builder Plugin to work with datatables, an in-place editor like the one provided by Developer Tools is much more handy. For example to add relations to some datatables. Installing the Developer Tools is as easy as any plugin in OctoberCMS, see: [[:plugins:howto_install_plugins|How to install a plugin]]. On the OC homepage > Plugins this plugin can be found by searching for "developer tools" {{:developers:developertoolsbyindicator.jpg?direct&800|}} Once installed the top menu icon shows up an additional icon named **Code editor** that allows to edit the code of **all** installed plugins - at least you have permissions to edit files within the respective folders. So be very carefully in this case! In every case you should be able to edit the plugins you have created. Usage is extremely easy: Click the *Code editor* item in the top menu, browse the folders and select the files on the left side menu. If required files can be added using the [+ Add] button next to the search field above the left side menu.