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WinterCMS Installation

Here you will find a pictured tutorial how to install WinterCMS on a (local) server or shared hosting web space.

All Steps in a Brief

  • Download Wintercms from
  • Unzip the downloaded files and upload them to your server
  • Start the install.html
  • Follow the steps of the installation dialog

Additional Sources

Find more information on installation on:

Because all the CLI installations require a program named composer on the server and this step is skipped on the YT tutorials mentioned above, here a link to a YT covering this step:

Anyhow, this HowTo below will cover the Web installation.

Hard- & software:
A dedicated (test) server
a localhost like XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, MAMP or something similar
some webspace of any kind at a hosting service - with the specs described below.
To make things simpler, these will be called 'server'.


  • php installed (version 7.2 or later, this may change, read the installation requirement of the WinterCMS homepage)
  • Some FTP or SFTP software like WinSCP or FileZilla on Windows or Mac. Not required for Linux if remote directory is mounted.
  • WinterCMS can be installed using either a mySQL (or some other) databases - so an empty DB has to be prepared - or via SQLlight.
  • WinterCMS installation files as to download from the WinterCMS website on (download installer)

For testing purposes WinterCMS can also be installed on a RaspberryPi (Version 3 or later recommended) or some NAS like QNAP or Synology.

Download the installation files from

On top of the installation page the requirements are listed. Just double check against your server specifications. Usually most shared hosting fits to these requirements.

Scrolling down there are offered three ways how to install WinterCMS:

  • via Web Installer (this will be covered here)
  • via Composer (a special php script to install software on a server, very versatile but a little tricky)
  • via Softaculous (an app installer for preselected software - just check out if your hoster supports it)

To install via web installer just sroll down the WinterCMS installation page till you find the button with the download link:

Click the button, download the file and unzip the contained installer files (it's one install directory and a install.html file) to a directory of your choice either on your computer firsthand or directly into your desired server directory (if so, step 2 can be skipped of course).

Upload the unzipped filed (and directory) to your server, localhost or webspace. Depending on your infrastructure it may be a good idea to upload into a new and empty directory.

Here are some screenshots as an example using WinSCP
On the left side there are the unzipped installation files. On the right side an empty directory (named 'wncms1') as an example) is prepared.

After copying the installation files from the local to the server checkout if all files and directories have been copied properly.

Finally start the installation by calling the install.html via your browser on the server.

Now the installation assistant will guide you through the complete process, starting with a welcome page to inform you about the the steps to follow:

Click on “Begin compatibility checks” to proceed.

Next some tests will be done by the installer to check the environment WinterCMS shall be installed into:

If these are ok, proceed with the next steps.
If not, follow the information provided by the Installer (ok, this may be the tricky part)

Next step is the Licence you have to accept. But WinterCMS is open-source (and will stay). So don't worry.

Now the hard work (just kidding ;) begins:
At first there is a site name to set and the URL the site is located. In addition the path to the backend (where all the work to edit the site will be done) can be changed from the default “backend” to another one.
For additional security and against too curious people it may be a good idea to change the name, but it's not that important to my experience.

Next step is to edit the database parameters.
If you want to use a database - like MySQL or MariaDb - Select the database type in the dropdown box.
Usually the hostname is “localhost” and the port for the DB is 3306 - but this may vary. So have a look at your hosting specifications.

Furthermore, the username and the password (to access the DB) and the name of the DB are required.

Set a backend administrator
Next the backend administrator has to be set. Please notice: This is different from the database access. And you should use an other username and password as for the DB!
Once WinterCMS is installed more backend admins - with different rights - can be added to the system.

Last Checks
If database settings are set and an administrator is edited, the installation program will again do some checks if everything is fine.
If everything was edited properly the result should look like this:

If not see the description of the installer. To my experience the most common errors are:

  • not correctly set DB-name, -port or login data,
  • missing permissions to write into the install directory (rarely, usually on a dedicated server when the install directory was created from another user)
  • a non empty database (just empty it, e.g. via phpMySql)

Usually and if all was edited properly the check will be ok and after clicking at the button “Beginn the installation” you will find a busy dialog:

If everything runs fine after installation, a feedback screen will be displayed giving the choice to either call a prepared website (usually called frontend) or log in to the administration area (called backend).

Just a hint: To keep this dialog open and see both options, click the buttons with the right mouse button and open each link in a new tab or window!

Clicking the “View your install” button will lead you to a page like this:

Here, one can see the pre-installed site with some (lets say: a few) possibilities WinterCMS offers.

Clicking the “View your Backend” button will lead you to this page where you have to input you admin name and password as set before:

Finally you are rewarded with the Dashboard of the WinterCMS Backend :)
And you are free to build your webpage, blog, shop, game, webapp or whatever you like to start.

Coming soon: A guided WinterCMS Backend tour…